Mining for Wisdom

Job recounts mankind’s attempts to mine gold, iron, gemstones, and other precious things in today’s Bible reading*. But he asks where can someone mine wisdom, which is of far more value than these material things? He then points to God, saying that God knows where to find wisdom, and fearing Him is wisdom, and turning…

Joseph Sees the Big Picture

Today’s Bible reading* shows us that Joseph sees the big picture of his purpose and calling. If you remember back to our introduction to Joseph as a young man in Genesis 37:5, he told his brothers about his dream of his brothers and his father bowing down to him. His brothers hated him so much…

Joseph Becomes Egypt’s Prime Minister

We read today* that Joseph becomes Egypt’s Prime Minister. After interpreting Pharaoh’s dream, he is put in charge. Pharaoh provides Joseph with his own signet ring, a wife, clothes, and transportation. Basically, Pharaoh gives Joseph everything a man could ask for. Per his recommendation to Pharaoh, for the next seven years, Joseph collects 20% of…