A Different Kind of Prosperity

In today’s Bible reading* (Psalm 106:5) we read of a different kind of prosperity than the Prosperity Gospel peddlers talk about. Important note: Before I go any further, please hear me clearly say that all of the modern translations are very reliable. The English translation you hold in your hands (or read on your computer…

Slop Bucket Religion and the Tithe

If you’ve been around church for very long, you’ve probably heard a message from today’s Bible reading* about robbing God. In fact, Malachi 3:10 is probably one of the most-used verses when it comes to encouraging God’s people to give a “tithe”. Many preachers preach against people robbing God by withholding the tithe. Under the…

The Lord is Their Inheritance

God tells Ezekiel He will restore the priesthood today’s Bible reading* and reminds him that the Lord is their inheritance. He reminds them of His original charge and requirements of the priests. Obviously, they had forgotten. When God’s people took the land that God had promised Abraham, each tribe was given a portion of the…

They Feared the Lord, But…

Several times in today’s Bible reading* we read that the people “feared the Lord, but …” (2 Kings 17:32-33, 41) The people appointed their own priests, worshiped their own gods, and served their own idols. How is it possible to say that someone “feared the Lord” and follow that statement with “, but”? Wouldn’t that…