The Majority Rules Wrong

In today’s Bible reading*, we see that a majority of those voting said it would be best to sail, hoping to make it to Phoenix, a harbor on the island of Crete before Winter. (Acts 27:12) It seems obvious that the Roman commander and the ship’s owner were more interested in efficiency than safety. And…

Apollos, the Eloquent but Deficient

Apollos was an eloquent preacher. He was well-versed in the Old Testament Scriptures. He knew his stuff. But he wasn’t “up to snuff”. In today’s Bible reading*, Dr. Luke tells us about an Alexandrian preacher named Apollos. Look at the positive words Dr. Luke uses to describe him: eloquent, competent in the Scriptures, instructed in…

Interest in the Gospel Builds

As I read today’s Bible reading*, I was reminded of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4. One conversation leads to an entire village coming out to hear more. Paul is in Antioch of Pisidia on the Sabbath. After the reading of the Law and the Prophets (The Old Testament),…

Seven Chosen to Serve

In today’s Bible reading*, the Apostles come to a point where they realize they can’t do it all. And that’s a good thing! People began accusing the Apostles of overlooking the Hellenistic (Gentile) widows and giving preference to Jewish widows. That may or may not have been the case, but the accusation was made. Rather…