Spectacular and Terrifying Visions Lead to Confession

In today’s Bible reading* Daniel has some spectacular visions that terrify him. Chapters Seven through Nine coincide with the stories in Daniel Chapters Five and Six. In other words, Chapters Seven through Nine are flashbacks. Daniel investigates Jeremiah’s prophecy and timetable and learns that God’s punishment for His people would last for seventy years. This…

“God’s Not Fair!”

In today’s Bible reading* God’s people are complaining that He’s not fair. But God counters that it’s not Him who’s not fair; it’s His people. But the house of Israel says, ‘The Lord’s way isn’t fair.’ Is it my ways that are unfair, house of Israel? Instead, isn’t it your ways that are unfair? “Therefore,…

The Deceitful Heart

Today’s Bible reading* paints a bleak picture of the human condition: we all have a deceitful heart. In fact, our heart is desperately sick. I mentioned a few days ago that Jeremiah had more to say about the heart. The heart is more deceitful than anything else, and incurable—who can understand it? I, the LORD,…

A Stubborn and Rebellious Heart

In today’s Bible reading* God recounts His charge against His people. Yes, they had disobeyed, but their actions weren’t God’s main concern. Mainly He was concerned about their stubborn and rebellious heart. “But these people have stubborn and rebellious hearts. They have turned aside and have gone away. They have not said to themselves, ‘Let’s…