Immediately … They Followed Him

In today’s Bible reading* we read about the beginning of Jesus’ ministry after His baptism. As He called His Disciples, they dropped whatever they were doing and immediately followed Him. (Matthew 4:20, 22; Mark 1:20) It’s important to note that James and John were fishermen with their father, Zebedee, and some hired men. (Mark 1:20)…

Slop Bucket Religion and the Tithe

If you’ve been around church for very long, you’ve probably heard a message from today’s Bible reading* about robbing God. In fact, Malachi 3:10 is probably one of the most-used verses when it comes to encouraging God’s people to give a “tithe”. Many preachers preach against people robbing God by withholding the tithe. Under the…

For Such a Time as This

Today’s Bible reading* is a familiar story to many of us who grew up in church. It concerns a young Jewish woman who became queen and found herself in a position to intercede on behalf of her people “for such a time as this”. Hadassah (Esther’s real name) didn’t seek the position of queen. But…