got meat?
You probably remember the Dairy Producers ad campaign a few years ago. Actually, it was over twenty-five years ago! You know, it was the one that featured famous people with milk mustaches.
As I read today’s Bible reading*, I saw the writer of Hebrews highlight the fact that the readers had stagnated in their walks with God. He said that they should be teachers. But they weren’t ready for theological meat. They were still on a theological milk diet. They were still dealing with the basic principles of the faith. They had become dull of hearing. (Hebrews 5:11-14)
I’m sure these were hard words to hear for the original hearers. In fact, they’re hard words to hear for us. It’s easy to gloss over passages like this and think that these hard words were limited to the people to whom they were originally written. But we must step back for a moment and realize that these words are for us, too! Preachers sometimes have to give hard words to people in order to get them to a more mature place in their walks with God.
Where are you in your walk with God? Have you mastered the “basics”? Are you able to dig into God’s Word for yourself and find application for your walk with God? Or are you dependent on someone else to spoon-feed you spiritual truths? Do you spend more time listening to Biblical teaching (sermons, Sunday School, Christian radio/TV) compared to reading and studying your Bible for yourself? Be honest in your self-evaluation.
* Today we are reading Hebrews 5.
This devotional was originally published on March 7, 2020.
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